Online Advertising Programme could be a huge opportunity – if we engage with change

贴在 2022年6月1日星期三 | IAB英国

我们的政策法规主管, Christie Dennehy-Neil explains the scope and implications of the Online Advertising Programme. 这篇文章最初发表于 媒体领袖 2022年5月.

自3月份推出以来, the Government’s consultation on the Online Advertising Programme (or OAP for short) hasn’t generated a huge amount of noise in the industry press. Overshadowed by the Online Safety Bill and without any concrete outputs to grab headlines, it may seem at first glance like t在这里 isn’t much to say about the OAP or that it’s nothing to worry about yet. Plus t在这里 is nothing quite like the term ‘Government consultation’ to get people to tune out. 请不要,我保证这是值得的.

Of all the Government consultations that I have worked on in seven years at the IAB, this one is the most far-reaching and has the most potential to change our industry. And when I say ‘our industry’ I mean everybody – from brands to publishers to ad tech, 任何从事创作的人, 提供彩乐园dsn服务或由彩乐园dsn资助的公司将受到OAP的影响.

If you’re thinking “but I don’t usually need to pay attention to Government consultations”, OAP是不同的. 无论好坏, it could entirely change the rules – and laws – that govern digital advertising and the companies engaged in it. 因此我们内务部很有必要, 我们的会员和更广泛的行业-推动政府采取细致入微的态度, evidence-led approach that will address issues in a targeted way without damaging our diverse, 广告资助的网站.

但在我继续之前,OAP到底是什么? 本质上, 它正在审查所有付费的彩乐园dsn, 以及参与买卖的公司, 在英国受监管吗. It will be assessing the entire regulatory framework for online advertising to understand what works and what doesn’t – all through the lens of addressing both legal and illegal ‘harms’.

这是一个非常重要的解释(你可以找到更多细节) 在这里),但你懂的. OAP是件大事, 如果有一件事我们是知道的, it’s that t在这里 will be changes made to how digital advertising is currently regulated. 我们还不知道它们会采取什么形式, 但基本上有三个广泛的结果摆在桌面上:

1. 自我监管在很大程度上得以维持, 得到了行业主导的努力的支持,比如正式采用ASA标准 中介 & 平台的原则 (目前正在进行行业试点).

2. A co-regulatory arrangement is adopted w在这里 self-regulation is maintained but a statutory regulator is introduced as a backstop to some or all parts of the advertising rules.

3. A full statutory approach is taken w在这里 self-regulation is abandoned and a statutory regulator is given rule-making, 制裁和信息收集的权力.

It’s worth noting that these outcomes aren’t necessarily mutually exclusive – what’s right for one challenge within the industry might not work for another.

我知道,在这个层面上进行变革的前景听起来相当令人生畏, but I think it’s important to realise that the OAP is a huge opportunity for all of us to help positively evolve digital advertising. It’s our chance to champion the good work that is being done in terms of industry-led 标准 and initiatives and to tackle the challenges that need to be addressed.

因此,监管往往被视为一种负面或敌对的发展, 但OAP不应成为加强或弱化监管的工具. It should – if we as an industry engage with it and the Government listens – mean better and more effective regulation founded in robust evidence, 针对消费者风险最高的地区. It should mean a greater appreciation for the ad-funded digital ecosystem that we all enjoy. And it should mean more coordination and consistency from the Government on regulating digital advertising in a joined up, 一致的方式.

在IAB, our consultation response will be focused on putting forward sound evidence to show what is currently working well and how the industry is proactively driving self-regulation forward, 无论是通过IABdsn彩乐园网址还是ASA/CAP系统. Yet we will also be realistic about the fact that t在这里 are some gaps in the current framework w在这里 issues need more attention, 以及我们认为最合适的解决方案是什么. 一个很好的例子就是诈骗广告, which are currently falling into a regulatory crack between the ASA and 执法. OAP有能力填补这一空白, 加强行业间的协调, 执法, 以及现有的监管机构.

然而, 虽然显然有一些问题需要解决, 这需要以一种不损害当前工作的方式来完成. Rather than overhauling all parts of the current regulatory system in a bid to be seen to be doing something, 政府需要采取细致入微的态度, evidence-led approach that will effectively address the issues while protecting the functionality of the 广告资助的网站 we all enjoy. This is what the IAB will be pushing for and we’re calling on the wider industry to do the same.

If this doesn’t happen and we end up with the full statutory approach (aka the third option listed above), 我们将看到数字生态系统的巨大破坏, 增长的阻碍, 数字媒体的多样性急剧减少. 如果我们不集体参与协商,这是一个非常现实的风险. Decisions will be made for us based on the input of others and we will end up with badly designed, 不实现, 以及无法为消费者增加价值的无效监管. It will make doing business more expensive and make the market less competitive.

While different areas of our industry will have different priorities and concerns, 我想我们都同意第三种选择对任何人都不适用. None of the available evidence supports such drastic intervention and it’s essential that we come together to assert that challenges can be addressed more effectively in a targeted, 适当的方式.

那么你应该怎么做呢? 离咨询结束只有两周了, it’s crucial that as much of the industry as possible is engaging with the OAP and submitting responses to the consultation. 如果你是内务部的成员, 请与我们联系,反馈给我们, 但也要确保你提出了自己的回应. 如果你给我们写信,我们可以帮忙. 这里人多力量大, DCMS希望听取彩乐园dsn供应链各个环节的意见, 大大小小的公司.

作为一个行业, this is our opportunity to help bring about positive change and shape the future of digital regulation. 这是一个集体的机会,但它取决于个人的行动. 不要犹豫,参与进来吧.










ICO回应IAB英国 & 关于cookie遵从性的AOP成员


国会议员 & 同行们支持IAB的承诺,支持对广告资助的互联网进行智能监管



支持连接而不是点击. 抓住观众的想象力,而不仅仅是他们的注意力. 大胆地走自己的节奏,而不是让科技设定节奏. 是时候重新发现数码的乐趣了.